Wiener Holocaust Library Exhibitions
London 1938: Defending ‘Degenerate’ German Art
In 2018 we worked on a Wiener Gallery exhibition commemorating London’s response to the Nazi campaign against degenerate art. 2018 marked the 80th anniversary of the exhibition “Twentieth Century German Art”, held in the New Burlington Galleries in central London between June and August 1938. The exhibition drew upon The Wiener Holocaust Library’s archival collections, and features original works from the original 1938 exhibition.
The Lost Photographs of Gerty Simon
The Wiener Library’s 2019 summer exhibition showcased the remarkable work of German Jewish photographer Gerty (Gertrud) Simon, and features many of her original prints from the 1920s and 1930s.
The Satirical Cartoons of Stephen Roth
In 2013 the number eleven partners produced the design for an exhibition of the work of Stephen Roth, a prolific Czech artist whose cartoons lampooned fascist dictators and put a wry spin on political events during WWII.