Number eleven Partners have been responsible for the design of numerous poster graphics and publicity items for the British Museum, Shanghai Museum and elsewhere.
This includes publication advertising, tube posters, outdoor displays and leaflets. The designs are often packaged within the overall exhibition design brief, in order to maintain a level of consistency and flow between publicity collateral and the finished display.
Defending ‘Degenerate’ German Art - Wiener Library Exhibition
Along with the exhibition design, number eleven produced a range of publicity materials to promote the exhibition including leaflets, underground and street level posters and invitations as per the client’s marketing plans.
Bold eye-catching design
The use of colour and representative fonts created an eye catching design which worked well in public spaces.
The Lost Photographs Of Gerty Simon - Wiener Library
Along with work on the exhibition design, we also produced designs for the launch invitations, underground and street level posters, and flyers.
Earlier work for the British Museum
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